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Rules of

pic 2023-0830 Naismith First Draft v1_ed

the Game

Rules and Interpretations


At the most basic level, the rules of basketball make it an easy game to learn and a simple game to play. However, once played at an elite level, many additional rules intervene in order to address the many situations that may arise during a competitive game. 


FIBA decides, publishes and adapts the Official Basketball Rules, which are the only basketball rules recognized internationally. They are comprehensive and address all rule-related aspects of the game.


FIBA 5-on-5 rules differ slightly from CEBL, NBA, NCAA and WNBA rules.

Individual Officiating Techniques (IOT) version 1.0
August 2020

EBOA Website 2025-0121 3X3 IOT Manual Poster 2022-12 (v2).png
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